W9 Guidelines – SVdP St. Maria Goretti Conference

Prepared by Donna Beauchamp, Treasurer SVdP St. Maria Goretti Conference: April 2024

Maximizing Impact: Saint Vincent dePaul Ministries’ Guide to Community Service and Social Media Engagement

Prepared by Jim Bozzini, Director of Communications, Saint Eleanor Catholic Church – Collegeville PA: April 2024

Providing Help & Hope to Neighbors in Need

REMINDER: When paying funds to a corporation (like PECO or a large real estate company like Gross & Quade), they already have a system in place to acknowledge every payment received as income.  With private individuals (those who serve as landlords, mechanics or other service providers) that understanding is not a given as far as the IRS is concerned.

It’s important to have a W-9 from each of those persons who receive funds from SVDP because the IRS will be checking their tax returns for the proper acknowledgment of income.  The forms should be on file with the Conference by the end of the fiscal year, Sept 30. 

All Annual Reports are submitted to your District President or entered electronically by October 30th.  Every conference who completes a Special Work must enter a Special Works form.  Every Conference with a Food Pantry MUST submit a Special Works form or your pantry may NOT be covered by insurance.

Family Home Visit Prayer Card

Home Visit Family Prayer

Resources and Links




Estate Planning

Sample Conference Record

Six Smart Reasons to Keep Scrupulous Records

Conference Special Works Report

2023 Conference Annual Report Blank Templates